Interview With Carl Ladd, Director of Bethel Global Response - Part 3

In addition to their work in Ukraine, Bethel Global Response partnered with a church in Tijuana, Mexico, after learning about the crisis at America's southern border. Carl and his team went into this response with a heart desiring to help people, aside from the politics surrounding this issue. After hearing about the camps of people at the southern border, Carl visited Tijuana to try and figure out how God wanted Bethel Global Response to help. He ended up meeting a local pastor who had opened up his church as a waiting facility for migrants seeking asylum. At the time, he had about 1,100 individuals living there while they waited. According to Carl, this pastor wasn't concerned with the politics surrounding the issue, simply that there were people passing through his city who needed to hear about the Gospel.

After meeting the pastor, Carl and his team are determined to help him and the migrants in any way possible. Shortly after, Bethel Global Response was able to help the facility become the largest migrant facility in Tijuana, housing and caring for 1,300-1,500 people, all of whom are families legally seeking asylum because of violent crimes against them or their families. Many of these families are there for months or even years before they are approved for asylum. 

Bethel Global Response aims to lift up the local church to become all it is called to be through all of its projects. Like Kauri Foundation, Carl and his team understand how important it is to bolster existing local resources and skills, especially the local church. Because of this, Kauri Foundation aligns with Bethel Global Response and anticipates future projects!


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Interview With Carl Ladd, Director of Bethel Global Response - Part 2