A Custom Solution

In today's world of technology and outside-the-box thinking, architectural possibilities are endless. Homes can be designed practically any way you can imagine if you have the financial resources. However, only a tiny fraction of the world can afford to make their home customized to their needs and desires. Wouldn’t it be great if every home was built personalized to the family living in it? Instead, houses tend to look almost identical to their neighbors, ignoring each family's unique needs. This kind of cookie-cutter dwelling design compromises the very premise of a home.

Home should be a place that works for a family from the start. A place where they feel like themselves the most. A place for people to dream and construct their futures. Families should not have to pour in months of work and endless amounts of money into making their home a place that accommodates their needs.

While western culture has accepted this style of living, that doesn't mean it is the best way. Kauri Foundation's founder realized a more effective design, which allows each green-living home system to best suit communities from the start. With the ability to be stacked together and customized from the first day of construction, Kauri Foundation’s homes stand apart. No longer do families have to compromise on functionality, comfort for those with mental and physical impairments, and both interior and exterior beauty for cost. Kauri Foundations' scalable, secure homes allow communities in disaster and crisis-stricken locations to quickly and easily rebuild; forming vibrant, transformative neighborhoods wherever they are needed!

Everyone deserves safe and dignified homes. Join the Kauri Foundation on our mission to bring land to life around the world!


Build Back Better


Blue Tarp Shelters