We bring land to life and give people hope for the future.

We are propelled by a mission to develop communities that improve the living conditions of people impacted by war, natural and/or man-made disaster.

Transformation Has A Starting Point - It’s Called A Home


We aim to be the global leader in post disaster housing, offering both temporary and permanent housing that is safe, secure, and scalable.

Introducing A New Kind of Home - Combining innovative architecture with smart manufacturing. 

Adaptability - The design allows us to offer homes from 64-1200 sq ft (5.9 sq/m to 111.5 sq/m) while adaptable to the deployment topography and local climate.  The modular approach permits a temporary house to be repurposed and integrated to a permanent dwelling.

Efficiency - The modularized design and flat pack approach allow for maximum transportation efficiency and reducing overall carbon footprints. With eco-friendly materials and design, the homes will require less energy to maintain.  Teaming up with green energy experts and educators to assist communities implement green energy development such as solar and wind micropower generations and heating systems utilizing geothermal energy to further build resilience.

Culture/People - Respecting and preserving local culture and traditions are important. We recognize no two communities are alike. We look to provide each initiative with a culturally sensitive local approach.

Quality - The homes are designed to meet or exceed local building code requirements.



Homes are delivered on trucks with flat packed pallets. Multiple homes can be delivered on each truck.


Homes can be constructed quickly with no need for heavy equipment. Simple tools and manpower is all you need.


Homes have built in solar, water capture, and vertical farming so residents can be self-sufficient.


We Have The Power To Impact Our Future, And We’re Doing Something About It


The United Nations estimates the number of displaced and homeless people are about 100 million people worldwide; as many as 1.6 billion people across the Earth do not have access to adequate shelter.

War, famine, disease and natural disasters effect millions of people each year thrusting them into dangerous and unhealthy situations where they lack safe and secure housing.

Without a place for people to call home, the result is helplessness and hopelessness – broken people and broken communities.

Kauri Foundation believes we have the power to positively impact the lack of adequate housing and we’re providing a solution at scale.


Alleviate The Housing Crisis.

Make a lasting Kingdom Impact.

Reinvest Into The Communities Through The Local Church.

Economic Empowerment – Create Jobs For People.



Dream it.


We align with similar, like-minded organizations which are committed to improving and enhancing the quality of life for those who truly need it in a culturally competent manner.


Build it.


We work with people and organizations who have innovative community development ideas of their own.


Grow it.


While we engage with organizations at all stages, we have always preferred to be involved at the very beginning and when organizations require long-term allies. We want to grow together in the most efficient way possible